3,000th POST —————

MINISTER OF CREATIVITY, copywrite 2014 ————-

This 3,000th post is in recognition of the millions of web sites all expressing some aspect of human life. Artcrossnewmexico is about combining all those various facets of life, from the spiritual to the physical, through art, despite some people’s opinion that some topics shouldn’t be talked about. There is a royalty to life because we are created in the image of God and therefore need to express all the aspects which he has created. One of the hardest to deal with is God’s creation of evil, but all things work together for good, for those who love God; so God allows evil to bring everyone to himself, a tough concept since the natural reaction to evil is go further from God until complete misery occurs. God created life to be lived in a certain fashion, but rebellion occurred and sin entered the world bringing about variations, but God loves everyone and desires everyone be saved unto eternity with him, which is accomplished when we seek “first” a relationship with him, our creator. Artcrossnewmexico is also about how God has helped people struggling with the reactions to childhood emotional and sexual abuse, mainly through art.


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